Soul News

Hand hebt Figur auf Schachbrett

The Spiritual Law of Duality

The Spiritual Law of Duality basically states that everything is on a continuum and has a complementary opposite within the whole.  To use an old adage, there may be two sides of a coin but there is only one coin. In other words, things that appear as opposites are in fact only two extremes of […]


2020 Turning Point ~ How to Navigate this Reset

Eclipses are major game-changers and turning points in our lives that begin or end significant chapters – usually without prior warning. Despite Mercury, along with 4 other major planets currently retrograding, the combined energies of the Eclipse and Solstice are so powerful that they outweigh and overrule all other planetary influences. For the next 48 […]


New Moon In Gemini – 1001 Nights

On May 22nd, 2020 we have a New Moon in Gemini. The New Moon is at 2° Gemini and forms harmonious trines to Saturn, Jupiter, and Pluto. What’s very special about the New Moon in Gemini in that the ruler of the New Moon, Mercury, is exactly conjunct Venus retrograde at 20° Gemini. Mercury (direct) […]


The Hidden Harmony – Nature loves to Hide

“The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the Soul.” Existence has no language… and if you depend on the language there can be no communication with existence. Existence is a mystery, you cannot interpret it. […]


The Secret of Entering The Golden Gate

As this figure moves across the field, they step lightly and non-seriously, and at the same time absolutely balanced and alert.  Behind the swirling, ever-changing field of flowers, we can see the sparkles of Golden Light. The individual is in the field but at the same time outside of it, maintaining their balance and able […]




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