Success Stories

What Dr. Dawn Ella’s Clients are Saying
Interview with Jennifer Parisi

Interview with Heather Donlan

“Receiving Dr. Dawn’s Soul Body Optimization has helped me, in a safe and comfortable way, examine the pieces of my life that need transformation. It is very helpful to have someone walk you through the transformational process, while at the same time holding you accountable for changing what no longer serves you. In my life, I’ve had recurring hurdles and annoyances and Dr. Dawn has reminded me that these are lessons that I’m learning.Dr. Dawn considers who you are as an individual and pushes you to become the best version of you!”
-Heather Donlan, Owner/Founder Heather Donlan Photography and Tutu Beautiful

My medical doctor suggested I meet with Dawn when she felt that some of my health conditions had spiritual, mental and emotional roots that weren’t being addressed even under excellent medical care. Not only have some of my medical conditions improved, but since receiving Soul Body Optimization I have noticed a significant shift in my perception and experience of life and some of my closest relationships. Old thoughts and energy patterns have dissolved leaving me with an experience of more acceptance and love, for myself, and others. I feel more freedom to just be who I AM, as if I was set free of old soul contracts and ways of being that no longer served me. Dawn brings a deep understanding and amazing healing ability to transform energy at it’s core level without the client having to re-live or re-experience the pain and energy that holds it in place. She meets you where you are and gently, but powerfully, helps guide you to live the life you were meant to live.
Sharon Bruckman
Owner/Founder of Natural Awakenings

“I went to Dawn to help me work through some past life issues. With a desire to transform this darkness to Light, I went to Dawn looking and praying for a miracle. I then went through her Soul Optimization AwAkening healing processes and a couple weeks later, amazingly the shift took place and the darkness transformed and awakened new Light! Talk about Miracles…this is a perfect example of transformation on a spiritual level having the ability to transform things on the physical level. I am now free and extremely grateful for Dr. Dawn Ella’s transformational work. Thank You for everything that you are and do.”
Lisa S.

I went to Dawn for a reacquiring problem that I had with my sciatic nerve. A couple times a year it would become pinched and I would be in excruciating pain, so much I would have trouble walking or getting anywhere. I went to Dawn during one of these occurrences, almost not able to make it there. I was thinking she might be able to help relieve it a little, but she got rid of it completely, better before I left even. It is unbelievable what she can do. I have been to many doctors with no real way to stop this until now. Whatever it is that she does works, I am living proof. Thank you star child!”
Floyd M.

“Thank u for all of the love and Light!!! It’s helping!!”
Dawn J.

“I don’t know what you did to me but I have never felt anything so powerful…You have totally shifted me, I went from a state of Manic depression and not sleeping for weeks to pure happiness and getting through the night with ease….I am extremely Happy for what you’ve done. It’s amazing that you were able to cure me so instantaneously. Thank you so much, you amaze me!”
Joel E.

“I am glad we met, your energy is amazing! Stay in the Light and good things will come to you!”
Hussain S.

“Ronny R.I had a lot of time in the last few days to reflect on everything…Thank you for being you and being apart of my journey again. I Love ALL the work you do. I am extremely grateful that I met you and have had the opportunity to work with you, truly!”
Ronny R.

“I love it sister! You are changing the world one breath at a time.
Patricia W.

“Can you imagine that your whole life you know that you are meant to do more, to be more,that your success will impact not only your life but the lives of so many others. This was me. Always on the verge of success yet there was always a missing link! Fast forward to working with Dawn. She provided me knowledge, information as well as the tools to work in areas that were blocked. She opened up the blockages! Even after our first session things were opening up for me,opportunities were showing up for me everywhere. With every session there was more clarity more people showing up to help me toward success. Connection to my own truth and the authenticity of myself. Things continued to grow as our sessions become deeper. I will always continue to work with Dawn and use the tools that she gives me to continue on this beautiful life I have been dreaming about. Thank you Amazing Dawn!!”