The Soul Medic Announces Interactive, Cross-Platform Partnership

The Soul Medic, Inc. the country’s premier Alternative Therapy & Energetic Transformational Healing Organization and Achieve Today, Forbes recognized significant Life Changing Guided Transformational Personal Development Program, Announce Partnership.
By Michael Joseph Graziano
November 1, 2015
Naples, FL – Locally owned The Soul Medic, Inc. announced today that it will be partnering with Utah-based Personal Development Coaching Program Achieve Today, Effective November 1, 2015. Company officials also introduce in this partnership a series of teaching courses in Achieve Today’s student learning platform the first course available now, called Energy Medicine for Soul Optimization.
The Soul Medic officials expect this partnership to improve client transformation and widen its customer base for its premier service of Soul Optimization. In addition to this premier service, Dr. Dawn Ella and The Soul Medic expands its Soul Mentorship Process with Achieve Today’s personal development partner program.
Aaron Peterson Achieve Today’s, President & Founder agrees that this partnership is for the sole purpose of helping humanity awaken their greatness through guided transformation with The Wisdom of the Spiritual Laws of The Universe to understand One’s unique Authentic Higher Self’s – Soul Blueprint, becoming fully AwAkened & optimized.
This partnership will permit The Soul Medic to expand Soul Optimization services to a broader audience, along with the projected release in 2016 of The Energy Tree – Book 2 – Spiritual Laws of The Universe from Author & The Soul Medic president, Dr. Dawn Ella. This projected release is the second in The Energy Tree Series of Books where she shares her life changing experience of what happens when a Soul passes from this life to the afterlife. This is ultimately the truest examination of the meaning of life and the meaning of our beginning. At a time when others fear and retreat to isolation, this was her opportunity for transformation and discovery in the meaning of life itself. This series will allow you to Explore with her, the deepest understanding of Universal Formulas calculated with The Spiritual Laws of The Universe for the wisdom of understanding the Soulful process of integrating the Human Self and Soul Self to transform into our Authentic Higher Self.
The First book in this series, The Energy Tree – The Reflection is available now. More information on The Energy Tree Series of Books is
About The Soul Medic, Inc.
The Soul Medic was opened in 2014 and is one of the country’s premier services with a unique mission and process of Soulful mind over matter Alternative Therapy & Energetic Transformational Healing for Soul Optimization & Soul Mentorship. This Soulful process bridges the Human Self and Soul Self to transform you into your Authentic Higher Self.
The Soul Optimization work at The Soul Medic considers the whole person, Specializing in reading the fragmented pieces of negative aspects, disconnects or short circuits, for the transformational healing of darkness to Light, and the prevention — energetically of different imbalances relating to — body, mind, spirit (soul), and heart — in the quest for harmonizing the Soul to your original blueprint at seed level, your Authentic Higher Self.
This AwAkening of your authenticity, results in achieving optimum health, wellness and wisdom from your Authentic Higher Self’s -Soul Blueprint. This allows for enlightening of your path with Divine knowledge, positive guidance & spiritual direction, allowing you to follow your dreams and experience the happiness & fulfillment your Authentic Higher Self seeks.
To learn more about this partnership, please contact
Michael Joseph Graziano, CEO of The Soul Medic, Inc.