The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself. ~ Mark Twain The simple truth is this; if you aspire to accomplish your dreams, to have freedom to be yourself, to challenge conformity and traditionally typical ways of living, you will never be able to live a fulfilling life unless you rid yourself from […]
Tag: Tips
Ecotherapy: 12 Types of Earth-Centered Healing You Will Love
Our increasing alienation from nature and all of her wonder, power, wisdom and beauty has led us to not only abuse and corrupt her without a second-thought, but also to denigrate and sabotage ourselves in the process. Conforming to the cookie-cutter image of what our lives should look like in our cult-ures has led us […]
23 Signs You’re Suffering From a Victim Mentality
At some point in life, we are all victimized. Whether as children, teenagers, or adults, we all suffer emotional, physical, or psychological abuse to varying degrees. While it’s important that we come to terms with what has happened to us, and that we have indeed been victimized, we cannot move on with our lives unless […]
9 Tips to Release Control and Trust the Universe
You need to innerstand the distinction between power and control. You have the power of internal control, but very little extra to control over people or situations. The majority of your external control is through the power of influence. You can lead by example. Every soul has its own unique path, and it is not […]
Happy New Moon Cancer
Here we are at the tail end of lunar Gemini! This week will see the birth of the New Moon of Cancer. Brand new spiritual adventures await us! Let’s begin with a greater understanding of the sign to set our Souls’ compass in the right direction for the whole month. “Water Represents the World of […]
It’s All About the Journey, Not the Destination
Life is a journey. Of course, you have heard this statement before—it’s something of a cliché. But take a moment to think about your own life. Have you “arrived” at your final destination? Have you achieved everything you’ve hoped to achieve? Traveled everywhere you’ve wanted to visit? Finished everything you’ve wanted to complete? I’m willing […]
What Is Oneness?
Imagine that you’re the whole universe; you live in total joy and bliss. Imagine there is no past or future, only now. Imagine there is no space or time, just an unbounded eternity. Imagine endless peace, harmony, and unconditional love. Imagine no fear and equality in all things. This is Oneness. Unfortunately, we can never […]
The Spiritual Law of Miracles
Upon the earth-plane we live in a low, heavy and dense vibration. This heavy vibration is subject to the Spiritual Law of Karma. When the Light, Divine frequency dissolves and transmutes our lower energies, miracles occur. This is the Spiritual Law of Miracles. As the consciousness of the planet and its inhabitants rises, more and more […]
Happy New Moon Gemini
Expect the Unexpected Some would say this is the most important week of the year. Uranus, one of the external planets, that moves relatively slowly, is changing a sign today Monday, May 14th. This only happens every seven years! Uranus moves into Taurus from Aries. When a change like that occurs, it affects all of […]
33 Signs Your Soul is Growing and Expanding
The goals of developing spiritually is to move to a place within yourself of love, peace, acceptance, compassion and away from a place of worry, fear, anxiety, concern and trouble. It is to move to a place of inner clarity and calm. For many of us the process of moving to this place is a […]