Tag: inspiration

Free UC Berkeley Course Teaches “The Science of Happiness”

UC Berkeley Prof. Dacher Keltner teaches at the university’s Greater Good Science Center, studying things like joy, wonder, mindfulness and gratitude. But, he says, he is not a naturally happy person. “I was pretty tense,” Keltner says. “I have a lot of clinically diagnosable anxiety that runs through parts of my family, including myself…. My […]

Harvard Unveils MRI Study Proving Meditation Literally Rebuilds The Brain’s Gray Matter In 8 Weeks

Harvard Unveils MRI Study Proving Meditation Literally Rebuilds The Brain’s Gray Matter In 8 Weeks

Test subjects taking part in an 8-week program of mindfulness meditation showed results that astonished even the most experienced neuroscientists at Harvard University. The study was led by a Harvard-affiliated team of researchers based at Massachusetts General Hospital, and the team’s MRI scans documented for the very first time in medical history how meditation produced […]

Is your perception your reality?

Everyone Failed To Ride This Bicycle. The Science Behind Why Is Amazing We’ve all heard the saying, “It’s like riding a bicycle,” most often used to describe a skill that, once learned, is never forgotten. But what happens when experienced bike riders no longer find themselves capable of riding the mode of transportation they’ve always […]

This is your life’s purpose

This is your life’s purpose

Prayer: “Archangel Michael, you know the details of my Divine life purpose, & I ask you to help me be aligned with my goals. Please clearly guide my actions so that I’m taking the best steps to fully manifest my wonderful and meaningful career.” ~Doreen Virtue  

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