Tag: how to clear your energy

12 Great Ways To Strengthen Your Aura

12 Great Ways To Strengthen Your Aura

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] “Every cell in my body is loved and healthy” Your aura is simply an extension of you.   When strong it acts as a protective shield.  When fragile or damaged it can leave you drained, unwell and feeling disconnected from yourself. Think of your aura as your own personal body guard (in the form of […]

7 Soul Tasks with Your Chakra’s

7 Soul Tasks with Your Chakra’s

Maybe you’ve done a ton of healing work, you’ve read all the self-help books, you’ve meditated with the best of them, but still something feels off. Here’s what you need to know: your seven chakras aren’t just energy centers. They are sacred containers of knowledge which contain an enormous amount of specific information for your […]

How to Protect Your Spiritual Energy

Energy from the perspective of your soul is very different than energy from the perspective of your five senses. Spiritual growth requires understanding the differences between these two perspectives. From the perspective of the five senses, energy is the ability to do work, to get things done. The more energy you have, the more things […]

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