As the light in your environment expands, so too does the light within yourself. This is the perfect time to recognize and be mindful of the serenity that external and internal light offer, to trust your inner wisdom and listen to your intuition. Here are ways to develop your intuition: Meditate As we move into […]
Tag: aura
Are You as Selfless as You Think?: 6 Questions to Determine Your Intentions
Picture this. A friend asks you for help painting their bedroom this weekend. You have a hectic schedule and a dozen projects of your own to work on, but you agree out of the kindness of your heart. They are a good friend, after all. You pat yourself on the back and tell yourself you […]
16 Characteristics of Real Un-Conditional Love
Love. It makes the world go ‘round, right? Well, at least that’s the how the saying goes. But is it true? It should be, but so many people confuse love with things like jealousy or possessiveness. True love isn’t either of those things. But these 16 things are. So here are the characteristics of REAL […]
Ho’oponopono: Healing for Yourself and Others
I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. What do these words mean to you? They’re phrases taken from an ancient verbal healing practice called ho’oponopono. These words act as a means of self-forgiveness and can be used by anyone to drastically improve the relationship with themselves and others. Origin of Ho’oponopono Ho’oponopono […]
Radical Self-Honesty
Throughout history, deception has been an effective survival strategy. Yet, like all primitive survival strategies, when deception becomes habitual and is not directly about survival, it prevents us from continuing growth. For each of us, to the degree that we are not real with ourselves or that we withhold important truths from others, we just […]
Finding Light in the Darkness
When I was a child, one of my mother’s favorite pastimes was to drive me to the local cemetery, walk the terrain, and read the epitaphs on the tombstones. She was originally from Austria, and this seemed to have been part of her own childhood so she wanted to pass it on to me. My […]
How to Fulfill Your Vision in 2019
This is the last days of 2018. Every new year is an opportunity to start afresh, to renew your vision, and to dream big for your future. 2019 is going to be an amazing year for sure. If there is one astrological transit I’m particularly excited about, that’s Jupiter in Sagittarius. Jupiter in Sagittarius is not […]
12 Habits of People that Create their own Happiness
Carpe Diem means seize the day in Latin. Today is unique and you may never get another one. Enjoy it. Happiness has to be seized as well. Happiness doesn’t happen to you, it happens because of you. Other people can’t make you happy. You have to find and seize your own happiness. You have to […]
Does the Soul know time?
The Soul doesn’t know time; time is a construct of the physical dimension. To your Soul, there is only one big now. Think of the past as the now that has already been created, and the future as the now that has yet to be created. Your power of creation lies in your awareness of […]
You Decided….
In that moment, you decided that never again would you wake up a slave to the remnants of days before. From then on, you would start your days with the simplest of affirmations. Each morning, you would close your eyes, take a deep breath, and feel your way to the complete conviction that today is […]