Happy New Year 2018

Happy New Year.
I wish you so many moments of peace in your heart, I wish you happiness inside your being not involved with anything or anyone outside of you, so regardless of what changes this year it does not change your happiness.
I wish for you the best health of your life, to feel the strength and power of your body rejuvenate itself from things you choose to do differently this year that gives you vibrant health.
I wish for you love. Great love, deep love, more love, self love, divine love, lots of opportunities to receive love and give love.
I wish for you healing. Healing in your, body, mind and Soul. Healing this year of any life long pains that has followed you, I wish that you find the path to release them and clear your heart making room for all that you desire.
I wish for you freedom. Freedom from things that no longer serve you and the highest potential of the seed of your Soul.
I wish for you a peace to come over your heart and Soul unlike anything you have ever experienced, a deep silent, gentle peace that is connected to the Endless Light and never leaves your presence. The kind of peace that is without disruption.
I wish all this for you… not a wish in the sky but from the bottom of my heart. For you and for all of humanity so that we all may awaken to a brighter new life.
We just have to believe. It only takes a small adjustment of the way we create our reality each moment. We can create a new reality that will give us new results.
I wish this simple wish for you. Love, health, peace and happiness in every breathing moment of you life. I love you and send you my heart!