Category: Love

5 Spiritual Quotes that Reveal the Truth About Finding Love

5 Spiritual Quotes that Reveal the Truth About Finding Love

Great spiritual teachers provide us with some of the most meaningful insights about love. Often they’re not talking about a love that’s limited between two people. They’re usually talking about a larger, more pervasive type of love: a love that we’re each sourced from, a love that encompasses us all. It’s this all-encompassing love that’s so important […]

7 Children’s Mantras to Help Any Relationship Grow

7 Children’s Mantras to Help Any Relationship Grow

For the past year, I’ve had this tattered old paper sitting above my desk. I don’t know where it came from and I don’t know where I got it, but every time I look at it, it reminds of what is most important in life. The page is essentially written like a poem with each […]

Super Full Moon For 2017 — Get Ready For A Powerful Energy Shift!

Super Full Moon For 2017 — Get Ready For A Powerful Energy Shift!

December is a big month with many shifts in it. But all these changes will be showering us with a new energy and new outlook for the year that follows. The last Full Moon in this year falls on the same day when Mercury turns retrograde. This Moon is also a Supermoon, meaning, the energy […]

20 Osho Quotes On Life That Will Change You Forever

20 Osho Quotes On Life That Will Change You Forever

Whether you need a pick-me-up, or you want to become more enlightened, these Osho quotes on life will change the way you think, act and live. 1. Creativity is the greatest rebellion in existence. Creativity doesn’t know any rules. Microsoft and Apple wouldn’t have come to existence if Steve Jobs and Bill Gates had not […]

How to Awaken your Third Eye in 6 Steps

How to Awaken your Third Eye in 6 Steps

WHAT IS THE THIRD EYE? The pineal gland is a pea-sized gland shaped like a pine cone, located in the vertebrate brain near the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Also known as the third eye, it is considered to be the organ of supreme universal connection to Your own Soul. Its significance appears in every ancient […]

I See You

I See You

In the first rays of sunlight that filter through my window, I see you shining down on me. In the starless midnight skies, I hear you teaching me. With each new breath, I feel you entering my very flesh and purifying my Soul. And with each new meeting, you show me again what it is […]

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