7 Tips to Create Your Own Reality

There are simple steps that you can take to make a better you. The first thing to be done is to make the decision to create the reality you want by putting energy into the universe that confirms who you are as the person you want to be. When looking at yourself, instead of thinking about the things you don’t like, take a step back and ask yourself why you don’t like those things. Who has told you that you are wrong or inadequate? What was the agenda of this person or group of people when they told you that you were not okay? Was someone hoping to make you subservient? Beyond the motives of the people who emphasize what they see as your faults, you have a big part in what you choose to believe about yourself. You don’t have to accept what others have said or implied about you, and you do have to accept your complicity when you allow them to create the reality of the situation. There is only one known antidote to diminish the reality that others have created for you: create your own reality.
When you create your own reality, you empower yourself and disempower those who would seek to force you to conform to their ideals. Additionally, by creating your own reality, you construct a foundation upon which the measure of success is completely up to you. Is it possible to escape into your own world and use the power of creating your own reality to become avoidant of the everyday realities that we all must endure? Of course it is. Avoidance and escapism are the two main pitfalls of leaving behind the social contract. But if you understand that creating your own reality is something that is far too powerful to be used as an escape mechanism, you can begin to see how it is a tool with which to master your journey through life.
When you create your own reality, it should be for the purpose of putting energy out into the universe that will begin remaking the world as you want it to be. This is not about living in denial; the laws of physics still apply and gravity still pulls us to the ground. But if the Wright Brothers had not decided to create their own reality, none of us would have ever flown anywhere. You don’t have to change the way humanity moves around the globe by inventing a transformative feat of engineering. You just need to imagine who you want to be and how you want to be treated and start living as if this reality already exists.
Here are a few ways to create your own reality in order for the universe to accept the energy you send out and deliver back that reality.
Carry Yourself with Pride
Make sure that your appearance is top-notch and you can smile and greet people as you move about your day. You are telling the universe that there is much for you to be proud of and the universe will accept that energy and deliver the respect of the people you encounter in your daily travels. -
Engage in Something You Want to Be Doing Every Day
If you want to be an accomplished guitarist, the one thing that a famous guitarist and you have in common is that you both play the guitar every single day. Once you have one thing in common with your idealized goal, more synch-ups will follow. -
Print Business Cards, Build a Website
If you have aspirations of professional success, the top people in your field have business cards, why shouldn’t you? If your aspirations are to succeed as a professional photographer, you might gain access to VIP events seeking coverage if you give their organizers your card. Once you have the pictures from their event, media websites will be happy to take a look at your website and meet you in person, where handing them your business card immediately creates the reality that you are a professional photographer. Weren’t you just dreaming about this happening? If you were not, understand that this applies to whatever reality you wish to create. -
Use an Artistic Medium to Visualize and Narrate the Life
You Want Is your dream to meet and marry your soulmate? What does he look like? Perhaps you should paint a picture of him before you meet him. Find pictures in old magazines and cut them into a representation of the house you will one day share with him. Write a short story to go with these pictures. As you create tangible evidence of your vision and desire, you create a reality that attracts these very things. -
Tell Your Story with Honest Affirmatives
Many people take the ordinary things that have happened to them, things that happen to millions of people, and act like they are victims. This of course, creates a reality of victimhood. You can create your own reality of success and empowerment by relating the facts of your life in a manner that drives your narrative toward a positive climax. You are then creating a scene-by-scene journey for the universe to write in an amazing “happily ever after.” -
Can you envision what you would look like at your absolute best? If you can imagine it you can envision it, and if you can envision it, you can create it and that will lead to you becoming it. Start your makeover by making sure you have the look you want and that it is a look that is easy for you to get into and stay in every day. Slowly begin your wardrobe turnover and you will eventually be forced to look great on a consistent basis. Soon you will have created the reality of you at your best and be living your dream. -
The Right People
Putting energy out into the universe in order to become who you want to be can be as easy as putting yourself in an environment where you are around people who you want to be like. If you want to be physically fit, spend your free time at the gym. If you want to succeed in a particular business field, attend networking events aimed at this group of people. Before you know it, you will be among your peers, having created the reality that you and those you admire are on equal levels of success.
Whatever you do to create your own reality, just remember the power of your thoughts. Allow your new motto to be “Thoughts Create Reality”.
Thank You Keen