Tag: comfort zone

4 Simple Techniques to Transform Subconscious Negativity

4 Simple Techniques to Transform Subconscious Negativity

“As you sow in your subconscious mind, so shall you reap in your body and environment.” ~Joseph Murphy The subconscious mind is like a computer’s hard drive. It saves whatever information you feed it, without any bias. It does not discriminate between useful information and trash information. It just saves everything! The subconscious mind learns […]

Spiritual Growth – Rise above Frustrations of Daily Living

Spiritual Growth – Rise above Frustrations of Daily Living

The spiritual growth of an individual enables an individual to rise above their circumstances. It enables them to maintain a calm, peaceful demeanor even under trying circumstances. It literally means the growth of a person’s spirit towards their Soul Self. Spiritual growth enables a person to become resilient and rise above the frustrations of daily living. […]

The Art of Discernment & of Seeing Things As They Are

The Art of Discernment & of Seeing Things As They Are

There is one skill fundamental to spiritual development: the ability to discern. Spiritual progress is painfully slow and uncertain until the eyes of discernment are opened, for without this testing, proving, searching ability, we grope in the dark, unable to distinguish the real from the unreal, the substance from the shadow, the false from the […]

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