Only This Moment Counts

Everything happens in the now, in the present. Only this moment counts. You have what it takes to handle anything today if you let go of the need to look into the future or reflect on the past. Be present and notice what is going on right now. This very moment has the potential for you to create miracles in your life.

What you are working on is golden, and your efforts will leave a powerful legacy. Focus not on meeting a goal in the far-off future but on creating your dream now, releasing your desire for an outcome and owning that it already exists. It will appear in the material world as if by magic. Claim your prosperity now. The essence is more important than the form. When you are immersed in prosperous thoughts, you automatically tune in to a sense of timelessness and unlimited potential. You can “act as if” in spite of the temporary outer conditions. You are prosperous at this moment. What you think now becomes your reality. Stay present

Frequency Music this week — Practice mindfulness – be in the present moment. Mind chatter- it never really goes away. Wherever you are, it follows you there. When you’re driving, on your morning run, when you’re doing the dishes, or even when you’re in the shower.

Thank You Colette Baron Reid

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