One morning you woke up different

One morning you woke up different….
Done with trying to figure out who was with you, against you, or walking down the middle because they didn’t have the guts to pick a side. You were done with anything that didn’t bring you Peace. You realized that opinions were a dime a dozen, validation was for parking, and loyalty wasn’t a word but a lifestyle! It was this day that your life changed. And not because of a relationship or a job but because you realized that life is way too short to leave the key to your happiness in someone else’s pocket.
With happiness inside your Soul awakened, you felt like doing your part to change the world. You started by giving thanks for all the blessings in your life, rather than bemoaning all that was missing from it. Then you complemented your reflection in the mirror, instead of criticizing it as you usually did. Next you walked into your neighborhood and offered your smile to everyone you passed, whether or not they offered theirs to you. Each day you lived with more gratitude, more acceptance, more kindness. And sure enough, the world around you began to change. Because you had decided so, you are single-handedly doing your part to change it.
5 Unusual and Powerful Ways to Show Gratitude
Sometimes saying thank you is just not enough. It’s not always easy to show gratitude that’s meaningful and not over the top. Here are 6 ways to help you show major appreciation.
1. Write a poem
You don’t have to spend a lot of money to make someone feel appreciated. Some heartfelt poetry can both surprise and delight. It doesn’t have to be corny. You can send it by email or write it on some fancy stationery. Either way you are sure to delight with a rhyme.
Just think:
If you just spend some time
To create an interesting rhyme
You can let people know
How they made your heart grow
And give them a feeling sublime
2. Do it over time.
Saying thanks is powerful but transitory. Showing appreciation happens over time, which means staying in touch. So set up an alert on the individual’s name, company name, or topics of interest. Then you can periodically reconnect with something to offer: congratulations, info about new competitors, industry trends, etc. That turns a generic “thinking of you” into a much more meaningful “I immediately thought of you when I saw this.” Jeff Haden–Owner’s Manual
3. Take the time to write.
In my experience, the most meaningful and effective way to show gratitude is to send a handwritten thank-you note. Spoken and emailed thank-yous are relatively common, but it’s a rare leader or manager who actually takes the time to sit down and write a note of thanks to a member of his or her team, or to a valued client. People know that, and they value written thank-you notes far more than other forms of thanks–so much so that most display them proudly in their offices for all to see, often many years after they were received. ~Peter Economy–The Management Guy
4. Give the gift of time.
Nothing says “I appreciate you” more than an investment of your time, especially because everyone knows how busy you are. I was blessed with an incredible mentor and boss during many of my years in corporate. Lisa made certain to spend time with me in and outside of the office on a regular basis. Knowing how much she believed in me inspired me to be at my best at all times. The tangible gifts I received from other peers and bosses are long forgotten, but Lisa’s gift of time will forever be remembered and valued. Think about what’s most important to others and invest a bit of yourself to make it happen. ~Marla Tabaka–The Successful Soloist
5. Be specific
When showing gratitude, you may use general phrases like “thanks for your help” or “I appreciate the time you spent on this project,” but one of the best ways to show your gratitude is to acknowledge how others have specifically helped you succeed. Resist the temptation to be too general. Share a specific example of what they did for you and how it made a difference. If they inspired you to push outside your comfort zone, thank them for inspiring you to take the risk, and let them know the outcome. If possible, make this acknowledgement in front of others, using their first names instead of pronouns. The impact of this approach is long remembered and serves as future motivation. ~Eric Holtzclaw–Lean Forward
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Thank you Inc, Lessons Taught by Life & Scott Stabile