Dr. Dawn Ella

Dr. Dawn Ella is an acclaimed author, renowned as a Soul Physician, and distinguished in the realms of Alternative Medicine, with accolades as a Doctor of Divinity and Doctor of Metaphysics. She also excels as a Soul Medic Mentor, Soul Energy Healer, Spiritual Teacher, Inspirational Speaker, and serves as a clear channel of the Light.
At the age of 30, Dr. Dawn Ella underwent a profound transformation following a near-death experience. This life-altering event bestowed upon her a unique gift: the ability to perceive and connect with the elevated vibrational energy of the Soul.
Dr. Ella is deeply passionate about sharing the Soulful wisdom of one's Authentic Higher Self and catalyzing the awakening of the higher frequencies rooted in the Spiritual Laws of the Universe. Her mission revolves around facilitating the alignment of the human self with the Soul self, empowering individuals to harness their innate personal power and rediscover the radiant Light within their hearts and souls.
Dr. Ella considers it a profound honor to impart her expertise in energetic healing and the profound insights of Divine guidance to serve humanity and all beings of Light. Her life's purpose is to inspire and encourage, infusing unconditional love and high-vibration energy to assist humanity in uncovering their True Authentic Selves on their path to realizing their dreams. Her intention is to act as a conduit for Divine Light, employing her gifts to elevate the collective vibration of humanity, ultimately empowering her clients to embark on their own transformative journeys of spiritual alchemy.
Dr. Dawn Ella holds an impressive array of qualifications, including being a Doctor of Complementary, Integrative & Alternative Medicine, an Ordained Minister, Doctor of Divinity, Doctor of Metaphysics, Energy Healer, and Certified Law of Attraction Life Coach/Mentor. With 26 years of personal exploration in advanced healing modalities and 13 years of professional experience in complementary, integrative & alternative medicine, she has authored the acclaimed book "The Energy Tree - The Reflection." Dr. Ella seamlessly weaves the profound insights of the Spiritual Laws of The Universe into her transformative work, including the AwAkening Process; Soul Body Optimization® -Analysis & Healing, Soulful Meditations from the "Light of The Soul Series," and her personalized One-on-One Soul Medic Mentorship program. Reach out to Dr. Ella today to schedule your Complimentary Consultation and embark on your journey of self-discovery and holistic well-being.

The services at The Soul Medic, Inc. are for spiritual guidance and educational purposes only. Statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The Soul Medic, Inc. products and services are not replacement for medical diagnosis or treatment. Alternative and Integrated therapies are complementary to conventional treatments; therefore integration of modalities maximizes healing results and benefits for each individual. Always consult a physician, trained health care professional or veterinarian before undertaking any diet, health related or lifestyle change programs for you or your pet.